MyMediaLite  3.11
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NCorrelationThis namespace contains several correlation/distance measures
 NDataThis namespace contains MyMediaLite's principal data structures, which are used e.g. to store the interaction data that is used to train personalized recommenders
 NDataTypeThis namespace contains standard data types that are used by MyMediaLite, e.g. matrices, vectors, etc
 NDiversificationThis namespace contains methods for diversifying result lists
 NEnsembleThis namespace contains recommender ensembles
 NEvalThis namespace contains evaluation routines
 NMeasuresThis namespace contains different evaluation measures
 NHyperParameterThis namespace contains classes for automated hyper-parameter search
 NIOThis namespace contains I/O routines, e.g. to load interaction data from files and databases, or for loading recommender models from disk
 NItemRecommendationThis namespace contains item recommenders and some helper classes for item recommendation
 NRatingPredictionThis namespace contains rating predictors and some helper classes for rating prediction
 NTaxonomyThis namespace contains taxonomical data structures, i.e. data structures that help us to describe what kind of a thing something is